Thursday, July 24, 2014

Familiar Scenarios

For the most part, you eat all the "right" foods and you move your body (as in, maybe you’re not a hard core exerciser but you’re certainly not a couch potato) but you still continue to gain weight. Why? Not understanding the other factors involved in your struggle could leave you feeling very discouraged .    

Perhaps you're always riding the wave of the latest diet trend and you lose some weight. You hit the gym hard and lose some more weight. As the other super heroes would do, you thumb your nose at all of those naughty foods that you crave because they won't beat YOU - you have the willpower to resist them! You feel see yourself as a total badass for being in control of this area as long as the wave lasts. Then something happens. The wave of perceived success peters out. The weight you worked so hard to lose starts to creep its sorry ass back into your jeans (oh, and those pounds rarely return, no...they love to bring their snot nosed friends to the party on your thighs). You did what you were supposed to do - according to society: you majorly restricted calories, took weight loss supplements, denied yourself the pleasure of eating and exercised just short of dropping. Why the hell didn’t that work? At this point, you might be feeling like a failure.

Your body appears normal to most people but you hate it. As a matter of fact, you are disgusted by it. You stay up late at night and after everyone goes to bed, you open that bag of pretzels. You're just going to have a couple...the salty goodness is calling you. You don't know why you keep eating them. Ok...just a few more...then you'll put the bag away. Perhaps you do put the bag away. Do you ever come back for just one more handful? Or your trigger food could be ice cream. It could be anything. The food changes but the behavior is relatively consistent. Some people purge after these episodes. Others just sit with the feeling of hating themselves for not having enough self-control. Why does this keep happening? The vicious cycle could cause you to feel hopeless and defeated.

Do any of these scenarios sound remotely familiar to you? You are NOT alone, I promise! We have so many issues around food and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars every year on the next magic pill or potion that claims it will give us a beach body or help us "get our life back". I’m letting the diet industry secret out of the bag: whatever “it” is…it won’t do those things it claims on a sustainable level. Only we have the power to make true life changes and allow ourselves to be healed. What many people are not yet doing is seeking help to get to the source of their issues around food (if you're extremely lucky, it's just one source...but many times there are multiple things contributing to our struggles). That is why I have chosen my career as an Eating Psychology Coach. I wanted to know WHY! Why was I a vegetarian for nearly 20 years and struggling with my weight? Why did any weight that I managed to lose come back with a vengeance? Why would I start eating again when I should be fast asleep? Was I being punished by the universe for the way I treated people when I was thin and sexy? There have been  so many moments in my life that I have asked the universe…why me? Those questions don’t get answered until you invest in yourself and make your health and wellness – mind, body and soul – a priority. 

Anyone can abuse themselves in the pursuit of a low BMI. That is sustainable for very few people and what kind of life is that anyway? It doesn’t have to be that way, my friends. Yes, inner work is the longer road to wellness but it is so much more sustainable and certainly more loving to oneself.

Have you ever taken the scenic route even though the interstate would have been faster? What did you notice? I take in so much more of God’s beautiful creation when I take the road less traveled. I see things I never noticed before or perhaps I spot something that I forgot even existed. I am reminded of a time when life was much simpler…and usually happier! When I reach my destination, I don’t ever remember saying “Damn…that was a total waste of my time”.

You are not alone with these struggles and you do not have to face them alone. Invest in yourself. Do not let money or circumstances prevent you from taking this important step. No matter your location, if you feel that you could possibly benefit from my services, please contact me today.    

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